So, this year I took a different perspective for one of the hardest endurance races in the country.
The Park City Point 2 Point. About 80 miles, 14,000 vertical with over 90% singletrack. One amazing day. I was a spectator. I finally decided that I didn't have the miles in my legs nor the mental capacity to
suffer like I did last year. I puss'd out. But, I wanted to be a part of this great race. So, I threw an email out to the Draper crew to see how I could best be used. I landed on heading up to the TG water station to hand up some Otter pops, refill water bottles, pump up tires, tighten up pedal cleats etc. Basically whatever was needed with the exception of shammy cream. Thankfully I didn't have any requests for that.
This water station was at mile 37 or about half way into the day. Everyone that came through there had a smile on their face. Why shouldn't they? I mean, the worst part of the day was coming up. But still, all smiles. It was awesome to be there and help.
Otter Pop handups. Frozen sugary goodness. |
After this I cruised over to PCMR. I told banks that I would ride the last section from PCMR to The Canyons. Banks and Gordon rolled into the aid station right around 3:30 just in time to make the cut off. Much like I did last year. They rested there for a few minutes then we started up Spiro. It started out with 3 of us. We caught up to J. Thomas about half way up and Lyna caught up behind us just about the turn off to MMT.
Heres J.Thomas and Banks grinding up Spiro |
Banks cussing Spiro |
Banks focused on the job at hand |
Gordon at the Colony stop. He had just about had enough. Dude separated his shoulder months ago and still rides. Crazy mofo. |
Ready to rip some downhill |
1 more climb after this |
Sun setting |
The difference of riding this section fresh and riding it after 60 miles is staggering. I remembered crawling up Spiro last year. Walking at times. I remember dreading the MMT Re-route (which has been re-routed again this year, much better. Still rough as hell but much better). Last years re-route just about sent me over the edge. I remembered how emotional I was during this section, crawling, walking, front wheel going all over the place. I watched Brandon, Gordon, Justin and Lyna all suffer. They battled the demons that kept pulling their wheels every which way but straight. The amount of effort that went into each pedal stroke. The devotion, hard work, stubbornness, tenacity etc. It took it all. Just keep pedaling. Don't apologize to me because you have to walk for a minute. I don't care. I am just here to help any way I can. No apologies. I. dont. give. a. shit. We tredged on, they could smell the finish line. Hell, we could hear it. We reached the final climb, that punch in the balls. You can see the finish area, you can hear the music, you can almost smell the food. Then you turn right back up the mountain. Now, while we were on our way here the consensus was that we were going to walk this section. Do you think they walked? No, they didn't. Sure there were a few moments that we walked. I think this was one of the faster sections that we rode. The pedals kept turning. Determination was running at an all time high. Then, we caught Beth. We asked Beth how she was, she was worn down, beaten. No doubt she had spent the majority of the last 4 hours alone. Being alone is a dangerous thing. Your mind messes with you. Doubt creeps in. What am I doing, am I the only one out here? Did I pack my waterproof matches?
We passed Beth, told her she was getting close and that she was almost there. We stopped a few minutes later to re-group. Lyna caught up, not far behind was Beth. We waited. Beth rolled up, she was on the rivet. Then the rivet blew off. She broke down. Pure raw emotion. I have been there. I was there 1 year ago. She had the hardest day ever on a bike. As all of us. (well, not me but im telling the story) The PCPP is one of the hardest races in the entire country. The pure fact that you toe the line to start puts you in a class all its own. To finish? Well, there is not much that can compare to the feeling. We all supported Beth, told her it wasn't much more uphill and then its all downhill to the finish. We kept her close. By this time it was getting dark. We didn't care, we all wanted to roll into the finish area as a group. We took our time coming down the last decent, regrouped a few times along the way. We rolled onto the pavement, regrouped and made our way to the finish area. As we rolled into the finish area the crowd went crazy. Deep anticipation of our arrival had been building for the last hour. Brandon, Gordon, and Justins wife and kids were all waiting for them with bated breath. The crew from Draper, Riessen, Bright, Tyler who all had awesome races and finished stronger than last year were all waiting. Bob, Lyna's husband was waiting, gave her a big hug and a kiss. Camera's were flickering, crowd cheering it was amazing. Beth let it all out there on the trail. She gave us all hugs. I think she will look back and think, damn that was awesome that I finished!
I was pretty pumped just to be a part of this race in any way I could. I was even more pumped that it turned into an Epic day. Not necessarily an Epic day in terms of miles that I had ridden, but Epic in the sense of the experience.
Different perspective, same result. I crossed the finish line with an amazing group of people. I was elated and felt amazing. So, here's a tip, just pick a group, ride the last 22 miles and you will be touched. No need to suffer all day.
Truthfully though, there is a deep sense of satisfaction when you cross something like that off the list. Well done riders, and thank you for the experience.
Dude-my cleat has never been so perfectly tightened. And the otter pops were genius. Pure genius.
Great to have you out there - in any capacity!
Great write up. Next year, I'll hand out the otter pops and meet you at PCMR for the final push.....ha Thanks again for everything brother. Fucking epic.
Awesome write-up. Sounds much more enjoyable to be on the spectator side. Maybe I'll try it next year.
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